Manganese Sand Filter Media

Manganese sand filter media it is rough in appearance brown or light gray, the main component is MnO2, the content is between 35%-45%. It has strong intercepting ability, large oxidizing and catalytic effect, and small loss rate in backwashing. With it to deal with groundwater, the process is simple, easy to operate, low cost, long-lasting and stable, without adding any chemicals to achieve the purpose of removing iron, manganese, arsenic and other harmful substances in the water, but also to solve the problem of yellowing and reddening of the water, it is a very good groundwater treatment filter media.

Common specifications: 0.4-0.8mm, 0.5-1mm, 0.8-1.2mm, 1.0-2.0mm, 2.0-4.0mm, 4.0-8.0mm, 8.0-16mm, due to the low strength of the manganese sand filter media, it is generally not recommended to choose a smaller model.

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Product Introduction

Note: MnO2≥35% can remove both iron and manganese, MnO2≤30% can only be used for groundwater iron removal) Manganese sand filter media is mainly used to reduce the iron, manganese and manganese in the water total content of iron, manganese and manganese in some areas of China's groundwater iron content of up to 5~10mg/L, there are also as high as 20~30mg/L, the manganese content of up to 0.5~2.0mg/L, more than 2mg/L or even as high as 5~10mg/L is also found in some areas of China's groundwater. 10mg/L is also found. China's "drinking water standard" stipulates that the iron content in drinking water should not exceed 0.3mg/L, manganese content should not exceed 0.1mg/L, more than must be treated.

Natural manganese sand is a kind of strong oxidizing agent, the high value manganese contained in manganese sand can oxidize the divalent iron in water into trivalent iron, and at the same time, it forms the "active membrane" with catalytic effect on the surface, which further improves the effect of iron removal. After aeration, the iron containing water can be filtered by manganese sand only once, and the iron removal process can be completed. It is commonly used in the iron and manganese removal filtration device for domestic water, with very good effect of water filtration, as well as iron and manganese removal in the pre-process water treatment of geothermal engineering and swimming pool engineering.

The backwashing time of manganese sand pool is generally 5-15 minutes. Manganese sand pool material surface of the "active membrane" structure is relatively loose, can be destroyed in a long time rinsing, so the backwashing of the filter pool should not destroy the surface of the filter material "active on the membrane" for the degree.

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proportion g/cm3 




capacity g/cm3 


iron content% 


Hydrochloric acid solubility rate%


mud content% 


attrition rate% 


density g/cm3 




packing density g/cm3 


crushing rate%


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